Channel: White Papers

Using with IDEs


Sometimes using tools through a command line just isn't satisfying enough. You want to trigger scripts and tests directly from your favorite editor. Here we're collecting tips and tricks for dealing with some IDEs.

Sublime Text
Emacs - Thanks Martyn!

Comparing Unit Test Frameworks


Our goal is to help you find the right fit for your needs. If that's not our particular tools, it does neither of us any good for us to try to oversell our goods. Here's a comparison to other frameworks that seem popular. If there are any errors or omissions that are noteworthy, just let us know:

FeatureUnityCppUTestGoogle TestCuTestCheckMinUnitCMockery
Can MockC(1)CC++nononoC
Auto Runners(2)YESnoYESnononoYES
Type-Specific Asserts?YESnoYESnononono
Memory Leak Detect?noYESYESnononoYES


  • (1) via CMock.
  • (2) frameworks without this feature require you to manually add each test to some sort of central list or function. Each time you forget, a test gets missed.
  • (3) relies on posix forking, making it unsuitable for many embedded targets.
  • (4) uses C++, but still intended to test C.

Basic Mocking with CMock


Once you understand how basic unit testing with Unity works, you're ready to understand how CMock can be added to make it extra-powerful.

For each test, one (or more rarely multiple) real module is linked with mock versions of any other modules that it interacts with. These are tested against a test file. Then, another module is tested, bringing in the mocks of files that IT interacts with, and using the real version of it. This continues until all real modules have been tested, and very likely the mock versions of many of them have been used to help.

Here's a pretty picture that helps describe that:

So what are mocks for? Well, they simplify your unit test-writing by allowing you complete control over nearby modules without you have to write a bunch of stubs yourself. They do a number of things for you.

They're Call-Verifiers and Return-Value-Injectors

Let's say you have a function called OpenBarrel. When you call OpenBarrel, it checks for up to five possible monkeys that might be in the Barrel by calling CheckForMonkey(). If the monkey is there, it calls JumpMonkey() so that monkey can leap our joyfully! Let's say OpenBarrel is in Barrel.c and the other two functions are in Monkey.c. We might have a test that looks like this, then:


#include "unity.h"
#include "cmock.h"
#include "Barrel.h"
#include "MockMonkey.h"

void test_PlayWithMyBarrelOfMonkies(void)


So CMock uses Monkey.h to generate MockMonkey.c and MockMonkey.h. These include mock versions of the original functions, as well as handy helper functions which are used to tell the system what you expect to happen. Then, when you build TestBarrel's executable, you link in this mock version instead of the real Monkey module. See how it's suddenly easier to test Barrel.c? This required no changes to Barrel.c itself... and it didn't require you to hand-create anything for the mocks... you just get auto-generated goodness that you can start to use.

They're Argument-Verifiers

It's kinda hard to check what's going on inside a function sometimes... especially if that function doesn't have any arguments or return values of its own. With mocks, though, this is a piece of cake. When you set up your expectations, you're stating what you expect to get passed.

Let's say I want to peek in the barrel. The first time I want to just check for a crazy monkey by calling CheckForMonkeys(bool crazy_only). The next time I want to check for any monkeys... Then I check for the crazy one again.


#include "unity.h"
#include "cmock.h"
#include "Barrel.h"
#include "MockMonkey.h"

void test_PeekAtMyMonkeys(void)


Nice, eh? And you can do that for all sorts of arguments... arrays, strings, pointers, structs, numbers... some of those things get a little more complicated, but we're discussing the basics right now, right?

That seems like enough for a basic mocking lesson. There will definitely be more later!

More Mocking Topics

CMock and Custom Types


CMock handles custom types (types that you have created as typedefs or #define aliases) in one of three ways. The first way is the default method, which happens if you don't do anything to point it at one of the other two methods. The other two give you more informative error messages when a mismatch occurs, but are slightly more work.

Memory Comparisons (default behavior)

If CMock comes across a type that it doesn't recognize and you haven't instructed it to treat it differently, it's going to perform a memory comparison between the expected value and the actual value. This works almost all the time (the exception being possibly unpacked structs). The downside to this method is that a failure will just report that there is a mismatch, but it's left completely to the developer to figure out what happened.

Treat As (for things that act like basic types)

Often custom types are enumerations or custom names given to basic types (like U16 for an unsigned short or MY_BYTE_PTR for char*). These are handle most easily by telling CMock to just treat these as a base type that it understands. You can even use this for specifying which format you would like to see your integer types displayed as.

When CMock is instantiated, you either pass it configuration information through a Ruby function call or you configure it in a yaml file. In either case, you have the option to set the :treat_as config option to a hash. You create a key string for every custom type you want to map, and set it's value to the base type you wish to support. The base types are as follows:

Base TypeWhat is it?
INTTreats it as a signed integer. You can also use INT8, INT16, etc.
UINTTreats it as an unsigned integer. You can also use UINT8, UINT16, etc.
HEXTreats it as an unsigned integer, displayed as hex. Again, HEX8, etc. work too
STRINGThe usual char* (null terminate) C string
FLOATTreat it as a floating point number
PTRJust compares the pointers, not the contents pointed to.

A special note about that last one. Comparing the pointer is sometimes useful, but usually you really want to work with the basic type. But it needs to understand that you're dealing with a pointer, right? Let's say you have a type like this:

typedef unsigned int* P_UINT;

You might want to add an entry to :treat_as like this one 
(in Ruby call syntax):

:treat_as => { "P_UINT" => "HEX32*" }

or this one (in yaml):

    P_UINT: "HEX32*"

Unity Helpers

So sometimes you make types that are truly unique, and you want to get actual details when something fails. Well, you're up for more work, but it can really pay off in large projects. First, you want to create your very own assertion macros in a file like UnityHelper.h (and optionally assertion functions in UnityHelper.c if your assertion needs are sufficiently complex -- more on that in just a moment). CMock scans the helper file header for UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_* macros in order to make the magic happen. These macros need to follow this pattern:

 * Note: Tail end of macro name must match your type's capitalization!
UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_custom_type(expected, actual, line, message)

Often, you will want to wrap this macro in another convenience macro that automatically inserts the line number and a NULL for message, so that you can use it directly in your tests, like so:

 * Note: Capitalization is not important for this convenience macro.
 * In fact, you can name this whatever you like -- though following
 * the existing convention is probably a good idea.
#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_custom_type(expected, actual) 
   UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_custom_type(expected, actual, __LINE__, NULL)

Very likely, your original UNITY_ macro above will wrap around a C function where you will perform the comparisons using standard Unity macros (though in some cases, you may only need your custom macro to reference existing Unity macros all in your helper .h file). If you want to get really fancy, you can call TEST_FAIL_MESSAGE with whatever weird messages you may need during your checks.

 * This would live in a .c file having same name as your helper .h file.
void AssertEqualCustomType(custom_type expected, 
                           custom_type actual, 
                           unsigned short line)
  UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(expected.x, actual.x, line, 
                              "Example Struct Failed For Field x");
  UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(expected.y, actual.y, line, 
                              "Example Struct Failed For Field y");

Now all you need to do is tell CMock where your helper is. You do that by using the :unity_helper setting, like so:

  :unity_helper: "../unity/custom/my_unity_helper.h"

If you are using a fancy-pants build setup like Ceedling or the example project, you may also need to include "my_unity_helper.h" in your Test file, or configure it as an include in your yaml file.

Finally, if you have other custom types that really are aliases of the same thing, you can reuse your custom assert using your friend :treat_as, just like option 2 above.

    ANOTHER_NAME_FOR_IT: "custom_type"
    PTR_TO_CUSTOM_TYPE: "custom_type*"

How neat is that?

Mocking inline functions or macros


CMock does a lot of nice things for you. Often it works smoothly enough that you barely remember how complex its actions actually are. But, as neat as it is, it can't break the fundamental rules of C. This becomes apparent when you try to mock and inline function or a macro. Let's talk about what the issues are here and what you can do about them.


Let's start by admitting that compilers vary in their support for inline functions in the first place... particularly when we start talking about embedded compilers. Your options range from no support to fine control over when a function is to be forced inline or taken as a suggestion. Most often we are somewhere in the middle. Often inline functions are treated like macros with type checking. You might use them in a single C file (a case we can ignore because it's not public and therefore not mockable anyway). You might place them in a header file. Each file that includes that header can then choose to use the inlined function in their code. For a release build, this is peachy.

But what happens when we try to mock that?

Well, first you should know that your mock header files include your original header files. This is done so that we automatically can steal... er... borrow all the same typedefs, includes, etc. But even if this wasn't done, mocking an inline function would still be a problem. Why? Any of our source files are going to pull in the real inline function. The mock functions will want to pull in the mocked version. Since the actual function is defined in the header instead of a source file, we're not swapping the mock for the normal version... we're including both. Yikes! That's not going to link properly, is it?

So by default cmock just ignores all functions tagged as "inline". You can set it up to include them all as non-inlined mocks... but it's a rare compiler that is going to be happy with that. Another solution is required.


But first let's talk about macros. The problem is very similar, actually... but even worse. If you have a macro that you want to treat like a function, it's not going to work very well. Everywhere you use that thing, it's immediately expanded. That leads to the two version problem that inline functions suffer from. Worse than that, though, is the fact that there is no separation between declaration and definition. What do we do about that?

The Solution

The solution is the same for both, actually. Let's get the bad news out of the way first: It requires you to make a small change in your code just to support testing. I know, I feel the same way. I like my release code to be pristine... if you pretend the test files don't exist, I want you to feel like my code is just amazingly solid and well designed, for no particular reason at all. But sometimes you really need to inline. And sometimes it's just way easier to test when you can mock those inlines. It's ok... you'll get over this minor inconvenience.

The good news is that even though you are going to have a small indicator that testing is occurring in your release code, it's not going to change anything in your compiled exe. Whew.

Ok, so here is the trick.

First, if you don't have it already, you want your tests to be built with TEST defined. This is a convenience define so you can tell the difference between a release and test build. The example projects tend to do this already.

Then, you are going to use this to optionally remove your inline, like so:

#ifdef TEST
void ThisGuyIsInlined(void);
inline void ThisGuyIsInlined(void)
   //Whatever this thing does

And macros? The trick is very similar. During a release build, you want to have that handy macro. During a test, though, you want a function declaration of the same shape and size to put in its place (ready to be mocked).

#ifdef TEST
int ThisIsAMacro(int Arg);
#define ThisIsAMacro(Arg) (Arg * 2)

So there you go. You can mock these things when you need to... and it's only a little bit ugly... Just remind yourself. You're doing something amazingly high level in a low-level language. There's bound to be a painful bump here or there, right?

Happy Mocking!

YAML Primer


We, the developers of CMock, Unity, and Ceedling, like YAML. YAML is a markup language... or... I guess it's not since it stands for YAML Ain't Markup Language. In any case it's a handy way to serialize configuration data in a human-readable and machine-readable format. So we use it to configure all those fancy-pants Ruby tools like generate_test_runner and CMock and Ceedling.

So if you're thinking you'd like to use these tools but are perplexed by what you see when you crack those .yml files open, maybe this tutorial will help. I'm not planning to show you everything YAML-related. Instead, I'm going to concentrate on the features we use the most to get you up and running. If you want to see the full YAML specification, go to yaml.org

The Basics

YAML is stored in text files with a .yml extension (or occasionally .yaml). These files care quite a bit about white space, how you indent things, and have all sorts of fun with dashes and semi-colons. Let's talk about those things. If you want to be a proper mad scientist, you'll just have to remember a few rules.

Here's a preview of what kind of stuff we're creating:

  :when_no_prototypes: :warn
  :enforce_strict_ordering: TRUE
  :unity_helper_path: "../unity/helpers/"
    - :ignore
    - :cexception
    - :arrays
    uint8:    HEX8
    uint16:   HEX16
    uint32:   UINT32
    int8:     INT8
    bool:     UINT8

We use two spaces for each level of indent. That's not official YAML, but consistency is nice, right? Avoid using tabs. Don't put any white space at the end of a line. White space in the middle of a value is fine, but it's best if you use quotes then.

YAML nests hashes and arrays as deep as it wants. Let's try picking this apart to see what we can learn.


In the example above, the first key you find is the line that says :cmock: This tells us two things. The colon at the end says that :cmock is a key, and whatever is on the right or indented below is the value for that key. The colon on the left tells us that :cmock is a symbol. If you know anything about Ruby, this means something to you. If you don't just understand that we use symbols for almost all of the keys because it's way faster and it flags them as something special.

  :when_no_prototypes: :warn

Let's look at the second line in the example. Here we see another key value, right? We have a key :when_no_prototypes (we know it's a key because there is a : after it). It's value is :warn. Both :when_no_prototypes and :warn are symbols again. The key isn't a surprise, as mentioned. The value, however, is usually just a string (or number, or whatever). Sometimes, though, there are a limited number of options that apply. Often we use symbols for those situations too. These will be spelled out in the documentation.

  :enforce_strict_ordering: TRUE

Ah. Another key-value pair. This time, the value is TRUE. The Boolean types TRUE and FALSE are built into the language too. For those of you that spend a lot of time in C, you might expect to be able to use 0 and 1 to the same effect. You'd be surprised when you find that both of these evaluate to TRUE. So let's just stick with TRUE and FALSE.

  :unity_helper_path: "../unity/helpers/"

Here we see a key-value pair where the value is a string. There are a number of ways to add strings, but let's concentrate on two of them. One is to just write the text (making sure it doesn't start with a colon!). Another is to put double-quotes around it. We tend to use the latter for long strings or strings that contain spaces. Better safe than sorry, right?

    - :ignore
    - :cexception
    - :arrays

Hey! Now we're getting fancier! Our key :plugins has a value that is an array! We know it's an array because it's a bunch of lines starting with a dash and a space. For this array, all the members are symbols. For some (like :includes) they could be text. We could go really crazy and have them be hashes or sub arrays or other crazy stuff... but we try to avoid that sort of thing so that you don't hate us.

    uint8:    HEX8
    uint16:   HEX16
    uint32:   UINT32
    int8:     INT8
    bool:     UINT8

Instead this is just about as fancy as we get. This is a key :treat_as whose value is another hash! Note that the other hash is indented further. Once you stop indenting, you're back out of this sub-hash. Here you can see that keys aren't always symbols. These ones are strings. Their values are also strings. This is because we don't know ahead of time all the options for either... instead it depends a lot on what the user has configured. Strings are the best for open-ended information.

Also, note that the white space between the key and value doesn't matter.

Fancy Stuff

Check this out:

  :commmon: &common_defines
    - F_CPU=16000000UL
    - *common_defines
    - *common_defines
    - TEST
    - *common_defines
    - TEST

See that &common_defines ? That creates a name "common_defines" for everything that is in the value of :common. In this case, it's a one-element array containing the string "F_CPU=1600000UL". It could have been a huge array, a hash, or whatever.

So why name it?

We see almost immediately below. The *common_defines injects the contents of that named section where ever it occurs. So no we've duplicated the contents of :common under :release and :test: and :test_preprocess. How handy is that!?

There are some other tricks that we use too... but we'll get into some of those when we talk about Ceedling configuration specifically. The stuff in this primer will get you going.

When Bad Code Runs Green


Contributed by Matt Wilbur

This is a cautionary tale.

I was recently test-driving a UART module. Nothing earth-shattering, I know. For my current project, I have adopted the "DH" pattern for my driver work, where the Driver provides useful services and interfaces to higher level code and relies on a separate Hardware class (well, in C, a compilation unit), to hide niggly hardware details. I had a simple task for my UART: Receive a character. Pretty basic stuff, eh? That's what I thought.

As I test drove my driver code, I started to add more funky stuff, like allowing my imaginatively-named string receiving function UartDriver_ReceiveString to return before an entire string was read in the case that it received a UART_RX_NOT_READY value from the hardware. That might happen if some clever user asked my driver to always return immediately. Here's the code:

s32 UartDriver_ReceiveString(UartDriver driver, s8* stringToReceive, u32 lengthOfString)
  int i;
  s8 theChar;

  if ( stringToReceive == 0) 
    return 0;
  if ( driver == (UartDriver) 0 )
    return 0;

  for (i=0; i<lengthOfString; i++)
    theChar = getByteFromHardware(driver);
    stringToReceive[i] = theChar;
    if (theChar == UART_RX_NOT_READY)
  return i;

Pretty straightforward, right? The helper function getByteFromHardware called one other function, which I'll replicate here as it was when it was first written.

s8 getByteFromHardware( UartDriver driver )
  if( driver->timeout == UART_DRIVER_TIMEOUT_INFINITE )
    return getByteFromHardwareWhenItsReady( driver->hardware );
    return getByteFromHardwareAndReturnImmediately( driver->hardware );

s8 getByteFromHardwareWhenItsReady( UartHardware hardware )
  volatile s8 theCharacter;

    theCharacter = getByteFromHardwareAndReturnImmediately( hardware );
  } while ( theCharacter == UART_RX_NOT_READY );

s8 getByteFromHardwareAndReturnImmediately( UartHardware hardware )
  return UartHardware_ReceiveCharacter( hardware );

"Hey!", you say. "How dare you write code without a test!"

Don't worry. I didn't. Here was my simple test:

void test_UartDriver_ReceiveString_ReceiveGetsNegOneIfTimeoutIsNoWait(void)
  s8 stringToReceive[5];



  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, UartDriver_ReceiveString(mockDriver, 
                                                stringToReceive, 5));
  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, stringToReceive[0]);

"Hey!", you say (stop shouting, please, I can hear you fine). Why so many friggn' calls? We're embedded software designers. We don't like the overhead of such things. True enough. But I will invoke a few items from my defensive bag of tricks.

  1. I'm striving for clarity in the code. As long as I'm not actually running out of ram or failing some sort of timinig requirement, I'm quite comfortable with these calls. In this case, I don't have a timing requirement.
  2. One can inline things later. A la C/C++ (with inline), not a la Java with Eclipse.
  3. Don't try to out-optimize your compiler. You won't win.

If you still don't like it, I'm okay with that. TDD has made me confident enough in my code that I'll still sleep at night. I'll also refer you to Test Driven Development For Embedded C, 12.5, page. 267. Don't have the book? Go buy it.

As any sane person would, I use Ceedling to do my TDD. I felt very clever when all tests ran green.

Test 'TestUartDriver.c'
Generating dependencies for UartDriver.c...
Compiling UartDriver.c...
Linking TestUartDriver.out...
Running TestUartDriver.out...


Awesome. So, I took this code, made a library and linked it with my application. Badness. Bad badness. A simple, simple CLI (linenoise), was not receiving characters. How dare it! I tested this code! It's good! I figured I misunderstood the hardware (mocking only buys you so much). I spent several hours scratching my head during DOH (debugging on hardware). Finally, I realized what happened. My helper getByteFromHardwareWhenItsReady was not helping. It was hindering. It kept the received character for itself and did not share it. Very rude.

So how did this slip through my safety net? Bad luck. In assembly, here is how UartDriver_ReceiveString breaks down around the call to getByteFromHardware.

0x804acd5 <UartDriver_ReceiveString+47> call 0x804ad03 <getByteFromHardware>
0x804acda <UartDriver_ReceiveString+52> mov  %al,-0x9(%ebp)

Okay, so we know getByteFromHardware puts the received char in al. So, what does getByteFromHardware look like?

0x804ad1c <getByteFromHardware+25>          call   0x804ad32 <getByteFromHardwareWhenItsReady>
0x804ad21 <getByteFromHardware+30>          jmp    0x804ad30 <getByteFromHardware+45>
0x804ad23 <getByteFromHardware+32>          mov    0x8(%ebp,%eax
0x804ad26 <getByteFromHardware+35>          mov    (%eax),%eax
0x804ad28 <getByteFromHardware+37>          mov    %eax,(%esp)
0x804ad2b <getByteFromHardware+40>          call   0x804ad50 <getByteFromHardwareAndReturnImmediately>
0x804ad30 <getByteFromHardware+45>          leave

What a clever compiler. It simply calls getByteFromHardwareWhenItsReady or getByteFromHardwareAndReturnImmediately and then leaves eax in a pristine state so that getByteFromHardware can use it. But this is where it ought to break, no? I am not actually returning the character from getByteFromHardwareWhenItsReady like I should. In C, I am not. But that clever compiler was too clever for me.

0x804ad3e <getByteFromHardwareWhenItsReady+12>    call   0x804ad50 <getByteFromHardwareAndReturnImmediately> 
0x804ad43 <getByteFromHardwareWhenItsReady+17>    mov    %al,-0x9(%ebp)
0x804ad46 <getByteFromHardwareWhenItsReady+20>    movzbl -0x9(%ebp),%eax
0x804ad4a <getByteFromHardwareWhenItsReady+24>    cmp    $0xff,%al
0x804ad4c <getByteFromHardwareWhenItsReady+26>    je     0x804ad38 <getByteFromHardwareWhenItsReady+6>
0x804ad4e <getByteFromHardwareWhenItsReady+28>    leave
0x804ad4f <getByteFromHardwareWhenItsReady+29>    ret

See what's going on? You don't? Come on! It's staring you in the face. Nothing happens to eax between the call to getByteFromHardwareAndReturnImmediately and the ret. So, the return value from getByteFromHardwareAndReturnImmediately (theCharacter) is being returned up to UartDriver_ReceiveString, as far as my x86 computer is concerned. Suppose I force another call to a function before returning so eax is modified.

s32 foo() { return -1; }

s8 getByteFromHardware( UartDriver driver )
  if( driver->timeout == UART_DRIVER_TIMEOUT_INFINITE )
    return getByteFromHardwareWhenItsReady( driver->hardware );
    return getByteFromHardwareAndReturnImmediately( driver->hardware );

  s32 bar = foo();

Sure enough. Failures galore. If we return theCharacter after that call, all is well again.

As an epilogue, it was (rightly) pointed out to me that I should really have some dedicated tests fore these helper functions. That is, in addition to test_UartDriver_ReceiveString_ReceiveGetsNegativeOneIfTimeoutIsNoWait, I should have a test like this:

void test_UartDriver_Helper_getByteFromHardwareAndReturnImmediatelyReturnsCorrectByte(void)
  UartHardware_ReceiveCharacter_ExpectAndReturn( mockHardware, UART_RX_NOT_READY );
  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, getByteFromHardwareAndReturnImmediately(mockDriver));

I did add that. Same problem, but I feel better having that test in place.

And that, my friends, is how your compiler can screw you and why sometimes tests can't always save your ass from dumb mistakes.

As postscript (which differs from an epilogue, I hope) I realized a fundamental flaw in my zeal to get a working UART driver. In fact, I'd be surprised if Kent Beck weren't getting out a ruler at some point during this note so he could smack me on the knuckles (the Kent-Beck-in-my-head that is. I'm not delusional enough to think Kent will read this). In case you're as dim as I was, I'll confess my sins in the hope that it will save my knuckles. Typing verbatim from my Test Driven Development by Example, by (the real person) Kent Beck, here is the TDD micro-cycle:

  1. Quickly add a test.
  2. Run all tests and see the new one fail.
  3. Make a little change.
  4. Run all the tests and see them all succeed.
  5. Refactor to remove duplication.

Okay, maybe there was more than one flaw (pobody's nefect), but the biggest one that could have avoided this whole ordeal is number 2. I didn't see the test fail. I was so happy with myself and my ace coding skills that the test passed the first time, I didn't test the test. Which, to me, is one of the functions of step 2. Bad me, but lesson learned. Hopefully, you've learned it too.

CMock Roadmap


This is a rough idea of where we are going with CMock. Feel free to add your thoughts and comments. We'd love to hear them!

CMock 2.5

  • This is a performance milestone. It's all about efficiency. We want the generated C code to be smaller and faster. We want it to handle memory even more awesomely than it does now. Also, CMock itself will get faster so that you get the goods as soon as possible.

CMock 3.0

  • We're exploring the idea of making CMock handle C and C++. We haven't seen a tool out there that does this well at the moment... and we figure why not us?
  • What else are you interested in?

CMock Release Notes


CMock 2.0

  • Even Better Parser than 1.9 (someday maybe it'll be a full-blown C parser)
    • strange arrays containing arithmetic operators, etc.
    • more difficult anonymous function pointers
    • loads of little detailed fixes here and there.
  • Smart internal memory management
    • CMock 2 has a much smarter built-in memory manager for storing all those expected and returnable values. You can even teach it to understand your processor's alignment and packing needs.
    • It's fast... WAY faster than CMock 1.
    • It's efficient... WAY more compact than CMock 1.
  • Pointers and Arrays
  • The Actual Line Number
    • How embarrassing. When CMock was an internal project it was acceptable to report failures as the line in the Mock file... but the test writer cares about the line in the TEST that failed. We've fixed that.
  • Better variable naming
    • CMock 2 chooses names for internal storage that you're unlikely to run into conflicts with... finally!
  • Supports all the latest Unity assertions internally.

CMock 1.9

  • Better Parser
    • CMock 1 was dandy for developing new code, but when you pointed it at some nasty legacy code or complicated libraries, it cried and hid its head in shame. No longer! CMock handles all sorts of craziness. Unnamed arguments, custom types, function pointers... it happily crunches through all of it and gives you your mocked goodies.
  • Easier Configuration
    • We admit it, the original CMock was kinda painful sometimes. We hope you'll find the latest version a more pleasant experience.
  • Pointers and Arrays
    • CMock 1 was a little lazy sometimes. When you passed a pointer as an argument, it just assumed you wanted to compare pointers. Often this wasn't the desired behavior. Now, you're in control. With the array plugin, you can specify if you want the pointer compared, the object being pointed to, or if that pointer is actually an array that should be compared.
    • Arguments can actually be function pointers now. How cool is that?
  • Stubs and Callbacks
    • Sometimes you want to fill data into an object being pointed to
    • Sometimes you want to perform really complicated comparisons in your mocks
    • Sometimes you want to trigger custom events during your mock calls
    • The new callback plugin gives you the power to do all that

Unity Release Notes


Unity 2.0

  • Added optional 64-bit support
  • Added optional parameterized test support
  • Added optional verbose floating point support
  • Added pointer asserts and size options
  • Added array asserts for all numerical types
  • Added fallback memory asserts
  • Added more sample targets (like gcc64 and Hi-Tech PICC)
  • RUN_TEST now has default implementation, so users who don't want to use the scripts can more easily use Unity
  • Significant updates to API and output for consistency
  • Added optional "extras" folder for non-standard uses
    • (like 'fixture' which makes Unity act a bit like CppUTest, originally submitted by James Grenning)
  • Scripts now compatible with Ruby 1.8.6 through 1.9.2

Unity 1.9

  • Added optional floating point support
  • Added configuration options for size of int, etc.
  • Standardized _MESSAGE variants
  • Added YAML files for sample targets to more easily run self-tests on multiple platforms
  • Added example project
  • Started using setjmp / longjmp instead of wrap and return